Sutton upon Derwent

Church of England School


Main Street, Sutton upon Derwent, York, East Yorkshire, YO41 4BN

01904 608440

Class 4


Teacher: Mrs Garcia 




London Residential - March 2023. Here are just some of the highlights from our 3 day residential in London where we managed to pack in a trip to the Lion King, Science museum, Natural history museum, Imperial War museum, London Eye and Buckingham palace to name just a few of the sights we saw!

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Welcome to Class 4!

Class 4 is home to children in Year 5 and 6 and the children are taught by Mrs Garcia. The children's enthusiasm for learning is ignited by an enquiry-based learning challenge curriculum and questions, such as, 'Were the Anglo-Saxon's really smashing?' 'Could Spiderman really exist?' 'Why should the rainforest be important to us all?'  The children have access to a broad and balanced curriculum at Sutton upon Derwent CE primary school and each topic encompasses a broad range of National curriculum subjects including English, Maths, Science, History, Geography, Computing, French, Music, Art, Design and Technology, RE and PE. The children's learning is celebrated in 'WOW' moments each term including school visits, open afternoons and visits from local professionals. PE is taught on a Wednesday and Thursday afternoon by Total Sports coaches and they have the opportunity to join the after-school sports clubs on these evenings. In addition to this, the children has the opportunity to attend extra-curricular clubs including Science club, gardening club as well as sporting events with the local county.



Reading at home is invaluable in promoting progress across many curriculum areas including reading, spelling, grammar and writing. In class 4, it is important that children continue to read and enhance their comprehension skills. We want the children to develop a real enjoyment of reading and a passion for all genres and styles. In Class 4, we will be focusing on inference skills as well as drawing literal information from the text.


Times Tables

In class 4 times tables recollection is pivotal in most areas of maths and we use Times Table Rock Stars regularly to practise all of the tables from 2-12.  Each child in the class aims to improve on their personal best each week and each child has their own login. This login can also be accessed at home and this will increase the children's times table knowledge as well as their personal score. In class, Mrs Garcia organises regular competitions between different groups of children. Follow the links below to access the webpages:

Our Learning

Where possible, much of our learning is cross-curricular and linked to our termly topic and learning challenge question. We aim for our children to be independent thinkers, develop 'enquiring' mindset's and be curious about their own learning. Each morning involves maths and English lessons and we often extend these skills into our topic work in the afternoon. Through our topic we develop our skills as artists, designers, historians, geographers and musicians. In addition, we also have weekly science, outdoor learning, computing and French lessons.

We are working hard to become independent learners through finding our own ways to solve problems. We have lots of resources available to help us with this, and we also know that sometimes it helps to work together when something is challenging. This term, we are worked to develop our 'growth' mindset and the power of YET!


The children have a busy day at school and busy lives out of school, but, if you can make time at home for shorts bursts of activity, this will have an impact on your child's learning at school - 15 minutes a day over 5 days amounts to 1hr 15 mins a week (an extra lesson!). It would be ideal if your child could read 3-5 times weekly, practice their times tables on TTRS as well as Sumdog (logins are in the reading record) and practice for the spelling test which will be done each Friday morning. Any additional homework will usually be set weekly (every Friday to be returned Wednesday) or children will be given a longer 'project' style homework. Details about the homework will always be uploaded to Class Dojo.

If you have any concerns or comments about any aspect of your child's learning or personal and social development then, please get in touch with me (Mrs Garcia) via the school office or Dojo.



Autumn 1 2023: The Knowledge mat for this terms Geography topic.

Here are some highlights from the end of half term CSI investigation. Ava, Lola and Kitty set up a crime scene and the other pupils had to solve a secret code, uncover the secret pen user and find the 'murderes' finger tip evidence! It was a great afternoon of scientific investigation!

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Class 4 finished the. Viking topic with a visit to Jorvik Viking centre and experienced what life was like in York 1,500 years ago.
Class 4 finished the. Viking topic with a visit to Jorvik Viking centre and experienced what life was like in York 1,500 years ago.
Class 4 won a Christmas quiz hosted by Woldgate school, they came top of all the primary schools in the area!
Class 4 won a Christmas quiz hosted by Woldgate school, they came top of all the primary schools in the area!
Class 4 had a visit from Me Garcia who showed them Ambulance from Pocklington ambulance station and they got to try the equipment.
Class 4 had a visit from Me Garcia who showed them Ambulance from Pocklington ambulance station and they got to try the equipment.
Class 4 experienced a wonderful day at Drax power station where they got an insight into the workings of a real power station and learnt how the electricity for Yorkshire is generated
Class 4 experienced a wonderful day at Drax power station where they got an insight into the workings of a real power station and learnt how the electricity for Yorkshire is generated

We made these stained glass panels for our Class 4 Worship on thetheme was the value of Forgiveness. We took inspiration from our trip to York Minster.