Sutton upon Derwent

Church of England School


Main Street, Sutton upon Derwent, York, East Yorkshire, YO41 4BN

01904 608440

Continuing to Learn at Home

Please find useful information and resources below. However, we have moved 'home learning' to the 'Seesaw' app, so please ensure your child has their log on details to access this. On Seesaw, your child will be able to share work and communicate with their teachers. Log on information has been sent out to parents via email. Thank you for your continued support. #staysafe #stayhome

Home Learning is now on the Seesaw app. Please go to Log in details have been sent by email and text. Many thanks.

What happens if my child finds the learning too difficult?

Our first piece of advice to parents is that ALL children find elements of learning challenging at times so try not to worry if your child becomes stuck and you cannot explain it to them. If this happens then make a note of what they found hard and move onto another learning activity - the school will cover any misconceptions when your child returns. 


Useful Websites for Parents regarding Covid-19

Staying Safe Online

Useful PHSE Resources for all children:

 dave-the-dog-coronavirus-story (1).pdfDownload
 PHSE Workbook.pdfDownload
Showing 1-2 of 2

Class 1

If your child is learning at home or in event of school closure please find the Home / School learning attached.

Please post any work on Tapestry or any questions. I will be there to answer any questions, provide you with any more ideas and to provide your child with individual next steps.


Outdoor learning -The Muddy Puddle teacher website are offering a free months trial to parents. It is a great resource for all areas of the curriculum outdoors and you can download ideas for free for a month.    Please post any ideas you have tried on Tapestry.

Keeping active is extremely important PE with Joe Wicks / the body coach is a great way of keeping fit. Please share all the other ways you are keeping fit and healthy at home.   

Free play is extremely important in Foundation stage. Role play and small world is extremely important for your child to develop their imaginative, social and language skills. Please post any observations of your child being imaginative / making up stories with their toys and playing games.

Reading stories is a great way to develop your child’s imagination and language skills. Read as many stories to them as possible and ask them questions about the stories.

Your child could then write about their favourite part or make up their own story either verbally or write it down / draw pictures.

 Our topic will be toys - please see Newsletter for further details.



See Parents guide to phonics for Phase 1 ideas to practise with your child. We will be setting phonic challenges every day on Tapestry.


Please practise recognising numerals to 10 / touch counting. 1 more / 1 less / recognising and describing the properties of 2D shapes.  We will be setting challenges every day on Tapestry.  






Reception are working on phase 3 phonics. There will be a live phonics lesson every day at 9:30 am






















Mr Thorne does phonics is a great website to help consolidate the sound and Geraldine the Giraffe, which is linked. The children could help Geraldine the Giraffe go on a hunt around the house looking for objects containing their sound of the day.


Phonics play is a good website where you can access free games. The children particularly enjoy playing buried treasure and Picnic on Pluto. This is a great resource to practise blending and sort real and nonsense words.

Jolly phonics songs – phase 2 and 3 is a great way to consolidate the sounds through song.


Writing a list of the words containing their sound of the day is a good activity to do. They could then write a sentence using that word.


Please practise reading and writing the tricky words. Children could use them to make up their own sentence and draw a picture.


Tricky words 


























Other phonic ideas are attached in the phonic file



We would recommend spending around 20 minutes on Maths a day. We will set maths challenges on Tapestry every day.

In Number we are focusing on addition and subtraction / representing numbers / 1 more / 1 less and 2D and 3D shapes.

We follow White Rose maths. Please access it for further ideas.




Set up a shop

Share / double toys/ sweets / toy cars etc

Find the doubles in a set of dominoes

Use children’s favourite toys to make adding and subtracting fun. If I had 4 dinosaurs and took 1 away. How many would there be?


In Shape, Space and Measure we are focusing on 2D shapes/ 3D shapes / weighing and measuring.


Go on a shape hunt – which 2D and 3D shapes can you find?

Use junk modelling to make 3D models

Make 3D shapes out of playdough




Please see list of useful website links below for further ideas.


Websites - click on 'free' and select phase 2/3 games. - helps your child to learn their letter sounds - Alphabet, formation and cvc section –    Mr Thorne does phonics

All the sounds will be covered. You can find all Mr Thorne phonics on You tube and Geraldine the Giraffe.



Numeracy - find 3d shapes - build a picture using 2d shapes - counting out objects up to 15            Numberblocks link


General Resources are also available from


Primary Treasure Chest

Class 2

Purple Mash

The children are able to email their teachers via Purple Mash.  Please make sure they send a message just to let us know how they are getting on. To access this go to the search bar (top right of the purple mash homepage) when your child has logged into their purple mash and type in '2email' and open it up to bring you to your child's inbox. 


Please continue to use Timetable Rockstars as well as using the website Topmarks, which has a good range of games that the children are used to accessing in lesson.  Below is the link for accessing White Rose Maths which has short video lessons and appropriate work linked to it.

If you require some reassurance regarding how we approach teaching certain elements of Maths then please go to the Key Information tab - select Policies - select Calculation Policy.  If you check the KS1 section this will explain Addition and Subtraction for you...hope this helps.

Showing 1-2 of 2
 2D Shape Chick Cutting Skills Worksheets.pdfDownload
 Year 1 One More and One Less Maths Mastery Game.pdfDownload
 Year 1 Spring Maths Activity Booklet.pdfDownload
 Year 2 Spring Maths Activity Booklet.pdfDownload
Showing 1-4 of 4
 Maths Homework Grid - Y1_Y2.docxDownload
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Try to ensure that your child reads every day. If they would like to complete any reading activities, then please access the files below. Don't forget they can also access Teach Your Monster to Read.

Remember you can always access also for some free phonics games.

 2D Shape Chick Cutting Skills Worksheets.pdfDownload
 African Tradition Reading Comp.pdfDownload
 Common Exception Words Year 1 Activity Book.pdfDownload
 LittleCousinClare Reading Comprehension.pdfDownload
 Spot Mr Whoops Mistakes Y1 Y2 Common Exception Words.pdfDownload
Showing 1-5 of 5

Children that use Lexia Core 5 at school can continue to work through their levels

RE   The Easter Story 

First watch the clip using the link below

Then print and assemble The Easter Story Writing Flap Book below.

Use it to help you write about the Easter Story, then colour it in.

There is also an egg designing activity on PurpleMash


 Easter Story Writing Flap Book.pdfDownload
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Try playing the Easter Board Game below.  Challenge you family and recall the Easter Story as you play. Have fun!

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Watch the following clip 

You can also look at the Powerpoint below for additional information.

Before completing the attached document to test your learning. Remember to use full sentences in your writing. Can you use any of the new vocabulary you have learned?

 Science Butterfly life cycle.pdfDownload
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We read a book called Mama Panya's Pancakes, a village tale from Kenya. Mama Panya wonders how she can cook enough pancakes for everyone when she has barely enough money to feed her son, Adika. All her guests bring something to share and a great time is had by all.

Why don't you have a go at making pancakes, you can always leave out the cardamon and pepper flakes!  Make sure you ask a grown up to help you. :) 

Kenyan Games

Please find the Kenyan game of Mancala below. Can you play it? Challenge someone in your home to a game. 

 How to play Mancala.pdfDownload
 Mancala game board.pdfDownload
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History - Nelson Mandela

Please start by completing What I know about Nelson Mandela Y1 & 2 task. This may be very little, which is absolutely fine.  

Next look at the fact file for your year group and use the information to support completion of the Nelson Mandela Fact File on PurpleMash found at   Your child's password is in their Reading Record Book.  Open the To Do tab and click on the Nelson Mandela Fact File and off you go. 

If you would prefer your child to write their information please see the document below.

When you have completed the tasks return to the What I know about Nelson Mandela Y1 & 2 document and use a different coloured pen to add the additional information you now know.

 What I know about Nelson Mandela Y1&2 task.pdfDownload
Showing 1-1 of 1
 History Nelson Mandela Fact File Information Y1.pdfDownload
 History Nelson Mandela Fact File Information Y2.pdfDownload
 History Nelson Mandela Writing Frame.pdfDownload
Showing 1-3 of 3


Please work through the tasks below.  We have looked at a globe in class to find the United Kingdom and Africa, particularly Kenya. Perhaps you might like to find countries you have visited or have heard of. 

 5 Oceans of the World.pdfDownload
 7 Continents of the World.pdfDownload
 Where am I on the map booklet.pdfDownload
Showing 1-3 of 3

ART and DT

Look at the Henri Rousseau overview to discover more information about his life and art before completing the task below.  Use the writing prompts down the right hand side to help you.

 Henri Rousseau overview.pdfDownload
 The artwork of Henri Rousseau task.pdfDownload
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We made a card by colouring and folding the jungle background below.  Then we made a small cut in the middle of the front of the card and slotted a strip of paper through securing it with a split pin. On the end in our background we added a tigers head to make it look as if our tiger was moving through the jungle.

Look at C2's page for images of what we did in class.

Perhaps you can create your own picture and make something move across your page?

 Henri Rousseau jungle background.pdfDownload
 How to draw a tiger.pdfDownload
Showing 1-2 of 2

Class 3

 book review 1.docDownload
 book review 1.pdfDownload
 Cave Paintings comprehension.pdfDownload
 Home School Working - Class 3.pdfDownload
 Maths grid - Y3 & Y4 .pdfDownload
 Morning Maths
 The Hunter With a Heart comprehension.pdfDownload
Showing 1-8 of 8
 Maths Homework Grid - Y3_Y4.docxDownload
Showing 1-1 of 1

This BBC Bitesize website is great for science as well as other areas of the curriculum. You need to click on KS2 Science. There are video clips and learner guides for all scientific concepts. Click on Light and Sound and you will find a range of information and activities which they can complete.


History BBC Bitesize is full of clips and learning guides on lots of different Stone Age topics. Children can choose an area they are really interested in to create a poster or leaflet full of facts.
Have a go at creating a menu based on food from the Stone Age or make a timeline to show the transition through the Stone Age, Iron Age and Bronze Age.

Other websites that can be used for research:  - this website also features lots of other fun activities that can be done at home.


Art and Design
Design and make a poster on the Stone Age.
Using materials that can be found in the home or the garden, children can have a go at designing and building their own Stone Age shelters; they have worked on this in history lessons and gardening so should have some ideas.


Computing Children can continue the work on Purple Mash on ‘touch typing’ that they have been doing with Mrs Cox. If you need any help with any work there is '2email' on purple mash which will allow your child to email any of their class Teachers. To access this go to the search bar when your child has logged into their purple mash and type in '2email' and open it up to bring you to your child's inbox. 

Children that use Lexia core 5 at school can continue to work through their levels.


Other Activities:
Baking – this is a brilliant activity if you have the time. Children can write instructions, recipes, diagrams for very simple things they have created such as biscuits, buns etc. 

Cooking – they can help you cook and design menus. Lots of discussion around food and healthy eating and looking at a balanced meal.

Jigsaws – these are great for special awareness and developing concentration.

Lego – there is so much that can be done with a box of Lego! provides you with a 30-day Lego challenge.

Scrapbook – putting together a scrapbook with photos of things they have done is a great way of celebrating all they have done at home.

Word searches – there are lots of word searches based on different topics available online.  
Children could also create their own based on their spelling words or topic work.


Class 4

During the school closure I have put together a range of activities that Class 4 children can access over the next few weeks. Most of them can be carried out independently or with a small amount of adult assistance.

Please complete the activities in the books provided. You may of course add anything extra that you do with your children, pictures, drawings, photos etc.

I have included some activities relating to our current topic of WW2, your children have researched an influential figure so can continue writing their biographies from home. They can use the computer to write this adding pictures and fact boxes.

In computing, the children can continue their work on data bases on Purple Mash and I will add any further work if and when required.

We recommend 30 minutes of Maths and 20 minutes of Reading are done every day. 

Take care and look forward to seeing you all soon.

 Learning Project WEEK 1.pdfDownload
 Learning Project WEEK 2.pdfDownload
Showing 1-2 of 2


Please complete 1 science lesson a week. There is a powerpoint and work in each file. For extra information you can also look at for extra information.



Have a go at using the following website to research different areas of World War II e.g. evacuation. You could then use your new knowledge to write a newspaper report, create a PowerPoint presentation, design a poster, make a collage or produce a non-chronological report. - Lots of useful information about World War II with areas to focus on including ‘The Blitz’ and ‘Rationing’. - Useful facts about World War II. - More useful information as well as a fun quiz to test your knowledge. - Lots of useful video clips from the BBC. - Videos of children interviewing their relatives to find out about how the war affected their lives. - BBC Scotland have some fantastic episodes to watch which help explore The Home Front. - World War II recipes to try as well as videos to watch.


Children that use Lexia Core 5 at school can continue to work through their levels


Our next unit in computing is 5.5 Game creator. Please see the attached PDF.