Sutton upon Derwent

Church of England School


Main Street, Sutton upon Derwent, York, East Yorkshire, YO41 4BN

01904 608440

Class 2  

Teachers - Mrs Stephenson and Miss Finley

HLTA - Mrs Cox and Mrs Sellers


Welcome to Class 2's information page.

Learning for life

In Class 2 much of our learning is facilitated through practical activities which cover all curriculum areas and are linked to our topic. Maths and English lessons take place daily, usually in the morning, and we consolidate and embed these skills through a variety of topic-based activities in the afternoon sessions such as History, Geography, Science, Art and Design and Technology. The children also have a gardening session with Mrs Husband, our Environmental Tutor, usually on a Wednesday.


Reading is a vital skill in establishing a good foundation on which to develop learning across all areas of the curriculum. Reading at home is a vital to encourage progress and develop positive reading habits. In Y1 and Y2 it is essential that children read to an adult as frequently as possible to develop fluency, expand vocabulary and develop communication and comprehension skills. Reading imparts knowledge as well as ignites imagination and can foster a love of reading. Please write in the Reading Record Book every time your child reads to enable us to monitor their progress and know where to continue listening to them. If your child reads a 'home' book please write that in too, reading anything and everything counts! Remember to discuss the text with your child and you can use questions such as: Is this a fiction or non- fiction book? How do you know? Can you tell me about the story? Why is that character feeling that way? What might happen next? Why do you think this happened? Most children have the opportunity to read to a STAR, our lovely volunteers who work with individual children on a weekly basis.

Spelling and Handwriting.

Children will work on spellings which are linked to phonics sounds and spelling patterns; they also include Common Exception and High Frequency words as well as specific vocabulary linked to our topic. During this time handwriting will be monitored and supported.


Phonics is a method for teaching reading and writing of the English language by developing learners' phonemic awareness—the ability to hear, identify, and manipulate phonemes—in order to teach the correspondence between these sounds and the spelling patterns that represent them. The goal of phonics is to enable early readers to decode new written words by sounding them out, or, in phonics terms, blending the sound-spelling patterns. Phonics is taught daily where we revisit previous sounds/words, teach a new grapheme (how the sound is written), practise it and then apply it - for example in a sentence.

Spring Term sees a focus on Phonics Screening for Year 1. This entails children being able to decode real and alien words - sounding out and then blending. 



In Class 2 we follow the White Rose Maths programme of study which provides children with the opportunity to engage in a range of tasks to embed their understanding of mathematical concepts. Children have the opportunity to practice, refine and develop fluency using concrete objects and pictorial representations before utilising their skills in problem solving and reasoning activities and questions to develop a 'mastery' level of understanding. In Class 2, the maths curriculum is broad and covers number, place value, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Children are encouraged to learn number bonds for rapid recall and count fluently in 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s and 10s as a pre-cursor to learning our times tables. The children have an individual login to access Times Table Rockstars and we would encourage them to try out the times table questions.  Maths is taught every day through a combination of verbal recall, practical and written lessons.

Learning at Home

Please encourage and support you child to read whether is is a school scheme book, one from home, a magazine or even the breakfast cereal packet. Children also have access a range of Apps and websites to support their learning and we encourage children to access these at home, as well as in school. The passwords for these apps and websites can be found in the front cover of their Reading Record Book and children have free access to: Teach your Monster to Read, Times Tables Rockstars and Seesaw. Much of the communication will be done through Seesaw, please upload any work or achievements your child completes at home as this helps us to build a complete understanding of yours child's talents, abilities and interests. 

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